September 8, 2011

Noah Syndergaard
Noah Syndergaard, at heart, is a big kid. And when I say BIG? Try 6-7″ and solid mass. But, as evidenced by his playing with Nerf Guns the other day, he truly is a kid at heart. He agreed to do the 140 a bit ago, we finally got around to doing it the past four days. It, again, was a blast to “chill” with one of the Baby Jays.
@DougPlourd: So, I’m talking with Longpre, and he let’s me know that he told you about the goofy “140 character” interviews I do for @JaysProspects. Let me know when you are ready to go with one if you’re up to it.
@Noahsyndergaard: Alright! Let’s do this. Shoot!
@DougPlourd: I asked Deck this as well, but just how many cards did Topps send you to sign for Bowman Draft and how long did it take to do it?
@Noahsyndergaard: Hmmm I wanna say it was a thousand. It only took about two days but it was a long two days.
@DougPlourd: Growing up in Texas, bigger idol for you: Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemmens or Stone Cold Steve Austin?
@Noahsyndergaard: Definitely Nolan Ryan! I didn’t even Stone Cold Steve Austin was a Texan
@DougPlourd: At 6’5″, did you play basketball in high school?
@Noahsyndergaard: Well I think I’m about 6′ 7″ now lol but I played in middle school. Gave it up in high school to concentrate on baseball.
@DougPlourd: Chips, Cookies or Crackers?
@Noahsyndergaard: Cookies
@DougPlourd: Your draft status shot up very quickly at the end of yor high school career. What was the secret to your new found velo?
@Noahsyndergaard: Ummm I couldn’t really tell you. I’ve been trying to figure out the secret to throwing hard for awhile. But I would just say maturing, getting stronger, and gaining arm strength.
@DougPlourd: What’s the best thing about the city of Vancouver for a young guy like you?
@Noahsyndergaard: Just about everything! I loved being in Vancouver. My host parents were awesome, the team chemistry was great, and it was amazing playing in front of those fans.
@DougPlourd: Who plays Noah Syndergaard in “The Noah Syndergaard Story”?
@Noahsyndergaard: What do you mean? Like an actor?
@DougPlourd: Ooh, I want to be sarcastic here….but yes, actor
@Noahsyndergaard: Definitely Dolph Lundgren! I don’t know how many times I’ve been referred to as Ivan Drag but with that said, I’ve also gotten Brad Pitt! Lol!
@DougPlourd: Okay, @BryanLongpre wants me to ask you. Who wins in a fight, Rick or Mike Tyson?
@Noahsyndergaard: Rick for sure! He would avenge Evander Holyfield and bite off both ears.
@DougPlourd: Ha! For the uneducated, let’s get inside the locker room…just who is Rick?
@Noahsyndergaard: Rick is someone comparable to Christ himself! lol he is Longpre’s alter ego/handlebar mustache hah!
@DougPlourd: Growing up across town from him, did you ever look at Zach Lee and be like, “dude, stick to football, this is how it’s done”?
@Noahsyndergaard: Well he is actually about an hour and a half away from me so I never saw him throw in high school. I just saw him pitch for the first time the other night. Wasn’t impressed tho. Must be nice to have a football scholarship. Gives you a lot of leeway when it comes to signing bonuses.
@DougPlourd: I’ll let it go that you just went 280 characters, because I love the analysis and moxie. Speaking of signing bonuses, yours wasn’t too shabby, what was the first big purchase?
@Noahsyndergaard: I bought a Ford F-150!
@DougPlourd: If you could rent out Cowboys Stadium for a night and invite 80,000 of your closest friends, what movie do you put on that big screen?
@Noahsyndergaard: I think it would be pretty sweet to put Avatar up on that screen
@DougPlourd: Romero, Deck, Asher, you and Nicolino as the rotation in 2014, how many games do the Jays win?
@Noahsyndergaard: Is that the projected rotation? That feels like a 100-game winner right there.
@DougPlourd: Who is the funniest teammate you have had this season?
@Noahsyndergaard: Hmmm probably Jack Murphy
@DougPlourd: Who is the one band/artist you could not live without on your iPod?
@Noahsyndergaard: Can’t really narrow that one down. I can’t live without my music in general.
@DougPlourd: Because you grew up in Texas, can you teach me how to rope a steer?
@Noahsyndergaard: No chance. My dad might be able to though, he trains horses.
@DougPlourd: You share your birthday (and happy birthday!) with Michael Jackson….do you have any musical talent?
@Noahsyndergaard: I didnt know that, I knew I had the same birthday as Warren Buffett. I played the trumpet in 7th and 8th grade.

Syndergaard states he models himself after Roy Halladay and Justin Verlander
@DougPlourd: How many Tim Horton’s glazed donuts could you crush in one sitting?
@Noahsyndergaard: Probably none. I’m a big health and gym freak lol
@DougPlourd: Ok, last one then trivia time! Who is the current major leaguer that you look to model yourself as a professional athlete?
@Noahsyndergaard: Roy Halladay or Justin Verlander
@DougPlourd: Ok, time for 3 up / 3 down trivia. NO google help allowed! You’re category is famous people with the initials AA. Ready?
@Noahsyndergaard: Ready!
@DougPlourd: Name the two men who have won Tennis’ US Open that have the initials AA?
@Noahsyndergaard: Andre Agasi and idk the other one.
@DougPlourd: Oh! We’ll give you a 1/2 point. The other is Arthur Ashe. Who sang the 1983 hit “Goody Two Shoes” with the intials AA?
@Noahsyndergaard: Way before my time, I have no idea
@DougPlourd: We were looking forAdam Ant. Ok, last one….Who’s the GM of the Toronto Blue Jays?!
@Noahsyndergaard: Alex Anthopolous
@DougPlourd: Yes! That was my grooved fastball to you, I couldn’t let Longpre have a better score than you!
@Noahsyndergaard: Haha well thank you!
Trivia Results
@deckmcguire 2-3
@noahsyndergaard 1.5-3
@bryanlongpre 1-3
@DougPlourd: Noah, its been a lot of fun! Thank you so much for taking the time. Continued success in the playoffs, and for years to come!
@Noahsyndergaard: Thank you very much Doug! It’s been fun!